About Ourselves

EUFRIN is an informal, voluntary organization of university departments and research institutes that specialize in research, development, and extension on temperate fruit crops and which are based within countries of the European Union, Switzerland, and Eastern Europe.

It was set up and held its first meeting in Bonn in 1993, attended by representatives of Germany, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, Greece and Italy. In the years since, many more countries have been invited to, and have joined EUFRIN. The current number of represented countries stands to 22 (Membership of and Participants in EUFRIN)

The Board of EUFRIN consists of up to two voluntary representatives from each member country and in addition, the chairpersons of each of its Working Group.

EUFRIN is open to requests for membership of any country of the European Union, and those eligible for participation in COST actions. If you are interested in participating in EUFRIN, please contact the Secretary.

The EUFRIN Board meets annually in one of the participating countries. These meetings are aimed to review the status of activities of the Working Groups; to discuss and establish new Working Groups; to plan and carry out joint activities, such as EU bids, organization of workshops, etc. A common feature of these meetings are updates on EU funding programs, as well as talks given by members of the Board. Each year, members of the Board commit themselves to a topic to be delivered the following year. This provides for an excellent opportunity to discuss fruit research within the European context. The members of the Board have a commitment to disseminate the goals and ideas generated within EUFRIN to other researchers and interested parties in their respective countries, via articles in specialized press, communication via national Scientific Societies, at meetings and conferences, etc.

The Board elects, on a three-year rotation a Chairperson, a Secretary, and an Organising Support Member. These three act as the coordinating nucleus of the Board.


The Purpose of EUFRIN and its Objectives

  • Preparation and submission of joint bids for funding of R&D (e.g. Interreg programs, Cost actions; RTD Projects; STREPs; Integrated Projects).
  • To enhance and facilitate coordinated research, development and technology transfer, focused on aiding sustainable production of quality fruit.
  • To establish and improve cooperation between those involved in fruit R&D within Europe.
  • To create a philosophy of fruit production through research.

The specific objectives of EUFRIN have developed since its initial establishment and now embrace the following:

  • Regular exchange of information on fruit research, development and commerce, in particular via annual or biennial meetings of the Working Groups. Organization of International Workshops/Conferences.
  • Interaction with EU Commission to suggest topics for research to be funded. Preparation and submission of joint bids for funding of R&D (e.g. Interreg programs, Cost actions; RTD Projects; STREPs; Integrated Projects).
  • Conduct surveys on the changing priorities in fruit R&D within the participant countries.


The Working Groups in EUFRIN

The Working Groups in EUFRIN were set up to exchange and discuss information on joint (collaborative) research, development, and technology transfer projects. Some of these Working Groups have streamlined their operation to the extent of adopting common protocols in their research. This in turn has led the relevant industry stakeholders to recognize these Working Groups as a de-facto authority in Europe on specific fields. Some of these Working Groups have been carrying out groundbreaking work in establishing protocols and memoranda of understanding between interested partners (e.g. variety evaluators and nurseries owning exploitation rights).

Several Working Groups have been established around, or have been instrumental for successful EU bids. COST Actions and RTD Programs in specific areas have been the most successful instruments. In 2003, EUFRIN spawned a concept that later coalesced in a proposal that has been awarded an Integrated Project Grant under RTD-Frame 6 of the EU. Several Working Groups of EUFRIN are deeply involved in this endeavour. The Working Groups of EUFRIN normally hold meetings every year, or every other year. Occasionally, in order to reduce costs of participation, some Working Groups have scheduled their meetings in one location and at the same time. The ensuing cross-interaction between scientists adds to the benefits of such meetings.

Membership to the EUFRIN Working Groups is open to anyone with a research or development interest and/or active involvement in the topic, who is based within a EU Member Country, or one of the eligible countries ( www.cost.esf.org/index.php ). Members may be scientists at R&D institutes or university departments, extension specialists, or those involved in the commercial aspects of fruit production.