EUFRIN Meeting in Brussels, Belgium (15 November 2017)
Program for the meeting 15. November 2017
Country Reports (abstracts / summaries)
- Belgium - Part 1 (Proefcentrum fruitteelt vzw)
- Belgium - Part 2 (Walloon Agricultural Research Center (CRA-W))
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Part 1 (University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Part 2 (University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Agriculture)
- Norway (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research)
- Poland (Research Inst. of Horticulture, Dept. of Fruit & Vegetables Storage & Processing)
- Romania (Uni. de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară Facultatea de Horticultură – Bucureşti)
- Serbia (Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade)
- Switzerland (Agroscope)
Working Group Reports (abstracts / summaries, presentations)
EU related documents and reports (Presentations)